Google Analytics 4 is the default for anyone setting up a new Google Analytics account. GA4 is event based, which means it records all event completed on a site. The emphasis is on what users actually do on your site, instead of the session based how they got there.
Google Analytic 4 property will only collect data from the time of creation and won’t import past data from Universal Analytics properties. So, to have more data at your disposal, we recommend implementing GA4 straight away!
How to Setup Google Analytics with Your Site:
In Google
1. Visit Google Analytics ( and set up an account.
2. Your Google Analytics 4 Tracking ID can be found in the Admin Settings -> Data Streams of the Google Analytics page.
It is in the format G-1234567890.
In Storbie
1. Enter your Storbie shop's Manage area.
2. Go to the Settings tab.
3. Click on Marketing
4. Select Analytics
5. Click on Edit Google Analytics settings.
6. Click NEXT.
7. Enter your Google Analytics 4 Tracking ID and API secret key.
You can find details of how to get your API secret key on the following Google article:
a. You can also opt to Disable Google Analytics 4 Page tracking if you prefer to track this through Google Tag Manager.
8. Click FINISH.
9. Publish your changes and you are done. User activity in your shop will now start publishing into your Google Analytics site.