
If your shop receives an order that cannot be fulfilled you are able to cancel it and refund your customer. This may happen if your site doesn't have stock levels set, or if it's not integrated with your POS system, and order numbers surpass your actual stock levels. 

The first thing you'll need to do when such an order is received, is to notify the customer of its cancellation and subsequent refund - just send them a quick email!

Processing the Refund

You'll then need to process the refund. This is done through the payment gateway or method of which the order was initially placed. 

Instructions on processing refunds for the below payment gateways can be found here:

Cancelling the Order in Storbie

After processing the refund, you will then need to cancel the order in Storbie. 
1. In the Manage area of your site, click on the Orders tab

2. Locate the order that needs to be cancelled and click into it

3. Click Cancel this Order