
In this article, we cover editing product tags, populating product galleries using product tags, and adding product tags in bulk.

Products in Storbie have product tags associated with them, which effect how they behave and where they are displayed. As the number of products within your shop grows, you will find that these product tags save you a lot of time, as you are able to use them to populate entire galleries in seconds.

For example, you could use product tags to mark a set of products for a special - automatically listing them on your 'Specials' page, as well as applying a discount to the appropriately tagged products, all in one go.


Editing Product Tags

1. To edit a product tag, head to Products in Manage view. 


Products Tab.png

2. Check the box on the left-side of the product which you would like to make tag changes to.
Product Check.jpg

3. Select Edit tags on the right-side of your Products page.
Edit Tags.jpg

4. In the box, type in the word / term you would like to use to define this product. 
As soon as you click off the new tag, it will be added.


This tag will now appear under TAGS for the selected product.

Screenshot 2021-06-08 173625.jpg


Populating Galleries Using Tags

1. In Edit view, navigate to the product gallery you would like to populate with the group of tagged products. Select the EDIT option for said gallery. 
If you need to create a new product gallery for your tagged products, see our step-by-step guide.

2. In the first section of your product gallery settings (Product Gallery: products), select the option "Products will be chosen by specifying their classification and tags."
Product Gallery Settings.jpg

3. Just like we did before, click in the box marked add a tag, and type in the tag associated with the products you want in this gallery. Following on from my earlier example, I will be adding my new tag, baked-goods.
This indicates that all products with this tag will be shown in this product gallery.

4. Click FINISH. The tagged product will now show in this gallery, because the product tag and gallery tag match.

Important: If you add more than one tag into a single box, then all of those tags must be present in the product for the product to be shown. If you add a tag set into a different box marked OR then this means that the product will be shown in the gallery if the product has all the tags in one box or all of the tags in another box.


Adding Product Tags in Bulk

1. To edit a product tag, head to Products in Manage view. 

My Products.jpg

2. Select all products you want to add a tag to, using the checkboxes on the left-side.

Bulk Tags.jpg

3. Select Edit tags on the right-side of your Products page.

4. You will see the product tags associated with each selected product are displayed, however they are light grey because they are not associated with all of the selected products, only some of them.
Bulk Tags 2.jpg
Note: You can check the box marked with a dash on a tag, to apply the tag to all selected products. The tag will change to dark grey and be marked with a blue tick to indicate it has connected.

5. In the box marked add a tag, type in which tag you would like to be associated with all selected products. Click any blank space on the screen and select Update in the bottom-right of the tag box.

This tag is now associated with all products you selected.
edited tags.jpg

6. Follow the above instructions to populate a gallery using this new tag. 

7. Click Publish to save changes
