In order for your bank to allow your business to use its merchant services you must complete the steps below:
- Custom payment method
- Business/trading name and contact details
- Delivery times and methods
- Terms & Conditions and Returns Policy
- Export conditions
- Bank review
1. Custom Payment Method
The first step to complete is adding your bank account details to your Storbie Site. This is quick and easy and ensures that you can start accepting ecommerce orders straight away. This is necessary to complete step 2 below. Instructions for setting up a custom payment method can be found here.
2. The name of your business and contact information
If you haven't already, you will need to add your business or trading name to your contact page along with your address information.
3. Shipping Information
You will need to ensure that you have entered shipping methods into your Storbie shop so that your customers are aware of shipping times, availability and cost. Instructions on adding shipping information can be found here.
4. Terms & Conditions and Refunds Policy
If you are a Storbie Pharmacy owner please contact to obtain the sample Terms & Conditions and Return Policy. Alternatively please contact for assistance. Once you have prepared your Terms and Conditions to fit your business follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Manage and then to Settings
- On the left hand menu, under Oeder options select Policies
- Select Edit Terms and Conditions of Sale
- Choose an option below that you would prefer and then select Next
- Enter your Terms and Conditions and then select Finish
5. Export restrictions
If you are a pharmacy owner you will need to restrict your shipping regions to New Zealand only. For any other business please consult with your bank to ensure that there are no restrictions on the sale of goods in your online store.
6. Bank review of your website
Once you have completed the steps above you will need to contact your bank and invite them to review these details. Instructions for adding a new admin can be found here.
Once your bank has confirmed that your website meets the required conditions you can remove them using the delete button next to their email address in your Users area.
If you have any questions or need a hand with any of the above please don't hesitate to contact us at