It turns out, your website is the central point of a complex network of interactions that collectively create value for your business. Storbie Reports attempt to capture this value, both hard and soft, and serve it to you in an easily digestible way.
Awareness Impact
See the awareness your Storbie site generated for you.
The count of unique visitors that have visited your website.
Health Page Visitors
The count of unique visitors to your health pages.
Search Visitors
The count of unique visitors that have been referred to your website by a search engine (organic and paid).
Social Visitors
The count of unique visitors that have been referred to your website from a social media (organic and paid).
Revenue Impact
A summary of the increased revenue generated from your website.
Online Sales
The total sales value created from product sale transactions through the website.
Online Enquiries
The count of enquiries submitted through your website.
Efficiency Impact
Estimated time saved through the enablement of self-service.
Contact Page Visitors
The amount of time saved from each unique visit to your Contact page. Every visitor is equal to 2 minutes saved.
Online Bookings
The amount of time saved from Storbie Bookings. Every booking is equal to 10 minutes saved.
Product Page Visitors
The amount of time saved from each unique visit to a product and booking page. Every visitor is equal to 30 seconds saved.