Importing Products
If you have more than a few products, you can save a lot of time by using our Import tool. With Import, you can load hundreds or even thousands of products into your Storbie store from an external file, with just a few clicks. Also, if you have a number of changes to make to your catalogue, such as mass-changing prices, you can Export your products to a file, make the changes using a tool such as Microsoft Excel, and then Import the changes. Another common use of the feature is to use it to synchronise all your stock levels with an external system.
If you want to learn how to Export product files, click here.
You can complete the import using a .CSV or .XSXL file.
How to Import your Products into Storbie
1. Navigate to the 'Products' tab in the 'Manage' area.
2. On the right-hand side of your screen, you will see 'Import Products' - click on this.
3. In the top menu (Choose the import type), you will see two links that read Sample. There are two options - a basic simple file with very simple information to import the products quickly; or a sample file with more detail to allow you to load much more information to the products before they are imported. Click on the one you prefer and it will download as a .CSV
Note: Barcode and Classification have now been added to the table and can be specified for imported products.
5. When you are finished, save it as a .CSV or .XSXL file and head back to the 'Product Import' configuration wizard.
6. Click 'Choose File' and select the product import file.
7. If you would like to update stock levels for existing products, check the box in the third section of the configuration wizard.
8. If completing a Toniq Import (pharmacies only), select the appropriate Supplier Network option. Otherwise, ignore this step. Click here for instructions on how to complete a Toniq Import.
9. Click Finish.
If importing a .CSV file, the import/export requires you to have a CSV (comma separated value) file that contains information about your products. A .CSV file is a text file that looks a bit like a table of information, one row per table row, with the columns of information separated by commas. The first row is often a table header row which names the columns that will be supplied in all of the remaining rows.
For example:
When the CSV file is downloaded to your device, some of the product identifiers, such as SKU-ID and Barcode, due to their length may end up being displayed in the scientific notation format. It is necessary to convert these values back to standard form, to ensure no changes occur to these important values.
In excel this can be done by going to the column next to your number(s) and typing in =TRIM(A1). Once enter is pressed, it turns into the complete number
Product Import File Format
The following table summarises the columns that you can include in your product catalogue CSV file. Only a few of the columns are required. If you don't include a column and the product doesn't exist yet, then the product will be set to the default value. If the product already exists, then the column will be left at its current value. You can include additional columns in the CSV if you wish as they will be ignored.
The Product-ID column is used to identify the product if it already exists in your shop and, the Name and Price columns are only required for new products that don't already exist in your store. The SKU-ID column is required for products that don't already exist in your store. The SKU-ID columns is required for products that have more than on SKU because of variations such as colour and size.
If an existing product is not included in your CSV file, then it is left as-is.
Column name | Data Type | Description | Example | |
Product-ID | Text (max 40) | Product Unique ID | CoffeeMug | |
SKU-ID | Text (max 40) | Unique SKU ID | Large | |
Name | Text (ma 100) | Product Name | Coffee Mug | |
Images | List of image paths* | Relative paths of the images in the image | Folder1/Folder2/image.jpg; Folder1/Folder2/image2.jpg | |
Description | HTML | The description you see when you click through to the product details | This is a <b>fantastic<b>product. | |
Summary | HTML | the short description you see in a gallery | This is a <b>fantastic<b>product. | |
Tags | List of text tags* | Tags associated with the product | cup;red | |
Stock | Integer | Current level of stock. Leave blank if stock is unlimited | 5 | |
Price | Money | Unit price of the product | 9.99 | |
SpecialPrice | Money | Discounted price. Leave blank for no discounted price | ||
Variation1 | Text (max 100) | Name of variation | Size | |
VariationValue1 | Text (max 100) | Value of variation | Large | |
Variation2 | Text (max 100) | Name of variation | Colour | |
VariationValue2 | Text (max 100) | Value of variation | Red | |
Variation 3 | Text (max 100) | Name of variation | ||
VariationValue3 | Text (max 100) | Value of variation | ||
URL | Text (max 100) | coffee-mug | ||
ShippingVariation | List of shipping variation names* | Default | ||
Visibility | Visible, Hidden, DisplayAsSold or EnquiryOnly | Whether the product is visible to buyers | Visible | |
Template | Default, Small Image or Large Image | The template of the product details | Default | |
ImageBorder | Default, None, Thin or Heavy | The border of the images in the product details | Default | |
OneOff | Yes or No | Whether the product is a one off, such as a single piece of art | Yes | |
ShowInventory | Yes or No | Whether the inventory level is shown to the buyer | Yes | |
LimitedStockThreshhold | Integer | The threshold level at which to tell the buyer that the stock is limited | 5 | |
ShippingUnits | Decimal | The number of shipping units for the product | 1 | |
CartLimit | Integer | The maximum number of this product that can be in a single shopping cart | 5 | |
ProductOptions | List of product option set names* | The product options associated with this product | Gift wrapping;Extended Warranty | |
PageTitle | Text | Page title used for search engine optimisation | Coffee Mug - Carl's Emporium | |
PageDescription | Text | Page description used for search engine optimisation | The Best Coffee Mug available on the market today | |
Keywords | Text | Keywords used for search engine optimisation | Coffee,Mug,Cup,Drink,Hot | |
Barcode | Integer | 93454247004 | ||
ClassificationCode | Integer | 10000118 | ||
MarkupPercentage | Integer | A markup on the Price field | 20 | |
RecurringProduct | Yes/No | Is this a subscription product? | No | |
InitialRecurringDiscountPercentage | Integer | Discount by percentage on first instance of a reoccurring order | 20 | |
| Integer | Discount by percentage on ongoing reoccurring orders | 10 | |
AttributeBrand | Text | Brand sent to Google Merchant Center | Storbie | |
SupplierSkuCode | Text (max 40) | KS644NUN | ||
Supplier company code | Text (max 40) | 1000 |
*Lists should be separated by semi-colons i.e., tag1;tag2;tag3
Product Variations and SKUs
Some products have variations such as colour and size, and therefore have multiple SKUs. An SKU (stock traced unit) is a particular combination of those variations that a customer can choose to purchase. For example, a large, red hat would be one SKU and a small, red hat would be a second SKU.
When a product has SKUs, you need to provide a SKU-ID for each of those SKUs so that they can be identified. You can leave this column blank for products that have no variations and therefore only have one SKU. In this case, the SKU-ID will default to the number '1'.
If you include one or more SKU rows for a particular product, as determined by a matching Product-ID, it is assumed that all SKUs will be in the file. Therefore, SKUs that are not included in the file for that product will be deleted.
If your store has no product variations, then you can simply leave the SKU-ID and variation columns out of your import altogether.
Importing a Product Catalogue
Once you have your CSV file, you can easily use it to update your product catalogue in your store. Because a CSV file can potentially make changes to your product catalogue, we strongly advise that you publish all existing changes to your store before completing an import. This enables you to roll back your product import if you get unexpected results. If you are creating new products, ensure that you have uploaded the relevant images, with the right file names, prior to importing the CSV file.
1. Go to the 'Products' tab in the 'Manage' area.
2. Click 'Import Products'.
3. Click Choose File and select the file that you would like to upload.
4. Indicate whether or not you would like to update stock levels for existing products.
5. For Pharmacies: Select if/how you would like the products to integrate with those in the Storbie Supplier Network.
6. Click Finish.
7. You will now see a message indicating that the product Import is in progress.
8. When the import is ready, a message indicating its completion will appear
9. Refresh the product page to see your Imported products.
10. Review that the updates are as you expected. If they are, make sure to Publish changes to your shop.