If your pharmacy uses Z Office from Z Software as your point of sale (POS) system, we have some great news - you can connect it with your Australian Storbie website. Once connected, your products, stock levels and pricing will appear in Storbie like magic and keep up-to-date as inventory is added and sales are processed.
Once zSoftware has installed the Z eCommerce Connector for you, you will need to choose the products you would like to feature on your new Storbie site; you can do that by taking the steps below.
Managing zOffice and Storbie Stock
1. In Z office, please make sure that the stock card itself has the ‘Stock is marked for Online’ checkbox ticked.
This is also available as a bulk edit option, allowing you to take advantage of the systems flexible Stock Group option.
2. In the Z eCommerce Connector please go to ‘Add Local’ and selected stock line will appear on there.
a. Click the checkbox for the stock line
b. Then click Add Selected
i. This will send the stock card to your Storbie Page
ii. There is a ‘Select All’ Button for the addition of bulk items.
3. A Summary of your stock that has been posted on the Storbie website is available on the ‘Online Stock tab’
4. Double clicking a stock card in this tab will show a few options.
Of note:
- Unit Price is equivalent to the Sell Price in Z Office - Special Price is equivalent to the Promotional Pricing in Z Office - All other fields are customizable (remember to turn off the Syncing options in settings or they will be overridden with what is set in the Z office Stock card- Refer to Z eCommerce Settings) - Reload will sync the Online stock card with the Z Stock card values.
Processing Orders
1. You will be notified that a new order has been placed from the Online Store.
a. The notification will appear on the bottom left of workstation that has Z eCommerce connector installed on.
2. Clicking on the notification or Orders within the Z eCommerce Connector allow you to see all the orders that have been placed through Storbie.
3. By default, orders that have yet to be collected will be shown below:
a. Packed
i. True= Item has been packed
ii. False= Item has not been packed
b. Time
i. Time in which the order was placed
c. Invoice
i. The Storbie generated invoice number
d. Customer
i. Customer Name
e. Deliver To
i. Customer’s Postage Address
f. Shipping
i. Shipping method the customer chose
g. Status
i. Payment status- This is updated automatically
h. Total
i. Total Value of the order
i. Lines
i. Number of Lines purchased within the order.
4. Viewing Order Details
a. Double Click on the specific order line will show the below.
b. Clicking ‘Process Sale’ will insert the sale into the Z System
i. Where you can track the receipt number (in View receipts)
ii. Report the takings within the till report (usually under Storbie Sales)
iii. And Report on Online vs Store Sales (on Storbie Home Screen)
5. After Which the order status will be green and showing the below.
6. Editable Settings (within View Order)
a. Tracking
i. Allows you to add a postage tracking number within the sale
b. Order Status (a number of status’s are available for you to choose from)
i. Unknown
ii. Payment Pending
iii. Payment Completed
iv. Processed
v. Cancelled
vi. Refunded.
Z eCommerce Connector Settings
1. General
a. Staff
i. Which Staff Member the online sales count towards (Default is Storbie)
b. Payment Method
i. Which Payment Method the online sales count towards (Default is Storbie Sale)
c. Register number
i. Which Register these sales will count towards (usually set at 1)
d. Theme
i. Colour Scheme of Z eCommerce Connector
e. Update options
i. SOH (to sync Z SOH with Storbie SOH)
ii. Unit Price (to sync Z Sell Price with Online Unit Price- Turn off if you would like to keep unique online stock prices)
iii. Update Special Price (to Sync promotional pricing with Online promotional pricing- Turn off if you would like to do special online pricing only)
2. New Item Template
a. Settings in which newly added Storbie Items will take on.
3. Timers
a. How often the Z eCommerce Connector Syncs with Storbie.
4. SOH Colour Coding
a. SOH warning system to highlight to you, which stocks are running low with the online stocks tab