
Gallery Image Crop/Shrink
You can easily make your galleries uniform with the gallery image cropping and shrink tools. Whether you opt to use the crop or shrink option will depend on the type of gallery imagery you are using:
Trim image to fit
This setting will keep all images uniform in size (the size will be based on the crop option you selected). For example, if you chose a square crop, all images will be cropped as square.
Shrink image to fit
This setting will keep the original proportions of the images, while shrinking them to fit within the crop you selected. The benefit of this feature is that all your image will be visible but the gallery will still be uniform if proportions differ between each image.

To update the gallery cropping options:

1. In Edit mode, find the gallery you would like to edit and select Edit.
A plane flying in the sky<br><br>Description automatically generated

2. Select Trim image to fit or Shrink image to fit. Choose the option which best suits your gallery and it’s images
A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated

3. If choosing image Crop choose your desired Crop Behaviour - there are 4 options for cropping.

A couple of logos of a landscape crop<br><br>Description automatically generated
Trim to fit:
A plane flying in the sky<br><br>Description automatically generated
Shrink to Fit:
A plane flying in the sky<br><br>Description automatically generated

4. Click Finish
5. Save your changes