Gallery Image Shape and Size
To add some flair and variation among your Product and Page Galleries you can use the Gallery Image Shape and Size functionality, to either update the site-wide gallery settings, as well as update an individual gallery.
To change site-wide gallery image shapes and sizes
1. In the Manage area of your site, head into Settings then, click on Appearance
2. Scroll down to Gallery Display Preferences and click on Edit Gallery Preferences
3. Once in the configuration wizard, click into the Image Borders step
4. To change the shape of the gallery images, click on the drop-down menu in the Would you like to change the shape of the borders? box and select the appropriate shape
5. To change the size of the gallery images, click on the drop-down menu in the "Would you like to reduce the width of your images?" box and select the appropriate scale
6. Click Finish and Publish Changes
To Change and Individual Gallery’s Image shape and size
1. In the Edit view of your site, navigate to the product gallery that you would like to adjust the image shape and sizes for
2. Click on the Edit button on the associated product gallery
3. Head to the Borders step of the wizard
4. To change the shape of the images, click on the drop-down menu in the Would you like to change the shape of the borders? box and select the appropriate shape. Please note that Default means the site-wide settings will be applied.
5. To change the size of the images, click on the drop-down menu in the Would you like to reduce the width of your images? box and select the appropriate scale. Again,Default means the site-wide settings will be applied.
6. Click Finish and Publish Changes
Keywords: gallery image shape and size, gallery image shape, edit gallery image shape, size, edit, gallery images