
Custom payment methods are useful for types of payment that require you to manually verify payment, such as bank deposit and cheque payments. Custom payment methods display your payment instructions to the customer (on screen and by email). To create a custom payment method, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the Manage area of your site select the "Settings" tab in the bottom corner and then select "Payment Methods"
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  2​​​​. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Add a PAYMENT METHOD"

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3. As an example, choose the Payment by bank deposit option. This provides you with some suggested text to use as a starting point for your payment instructions.
4.  Click NEXT.       
5. Enter a name and description for this method or leave the default. If you offer your customers more than one payment method then this description below will help them to decide which payment method is preferred. 
6. Click NEXT.
7. Review the payment instructions that will be sent to the customer and change them to reflect what is required for your circumstances. In the case of the bank deposit template, for example, you will need to change the text to reflect your bank account number as the account number is unlikely to be the default: XX-XXXX-XXXXXX-00!

8. Click NEXT.
9. Choose if you would like to offer your customers a discount or charge a fee if they choose to pay you in this way. In this case we will leave the price unchanged.

10. Select FINISH and Publish Changes
          11. In the checkout, the custom payment method will be displayed like this to customers.