Virtual Vet Nurse is still in Beta. If you would like this app to be added to your site, please let us know by emailing the team at
If you aren't signed up to Virtual Vet Nurse yet, visit
Our Virtual Vet Nurse integration will help field customer enquiries, and direct customers to the appropriate services / information / products to suit their pet’s needs. This is fast way for your customers to find what they need quickly and connect with your vet clinic, outside your operating hours. Virtual Vet Nurse is available to your customers 24/7 and a transcript of the chat can be provided to them.
Here are just some of the topics Virtual Vet Nurse can assist your customers with:
How to Install
To install Virtual Vet Nurse, go to your Manage view and navigate to Settings > DESIGN + CONTENT > Apps and hit Install on the Virtual Vet Nurse app.
Once installed, you will be taken to the setup page where you can change the app settings. Be sure to carefully read and follow the prompts to securely store your API information in a safe location.
Managing App Settings
Here, you can see your API information and customise the way Virtual Vet Nurse displays to your customers. Please note, you cannot change where in the site Virtual Vet Nurse is shown. The chat bubble will always display in the bottom right corner of each page.
In the first option of the app settings, you can add your clinic's name. Make sure this is the same clinic name you registered when you signed up on the Virtual Vet Nurse website.
In the app settings, you can add custom imagery to both the Header (the icon that shows at the top of the chat box) and the Avatar (the chat bubble).
Header Image Settings
Header Image Example:
Chat Avatar Settings
Chat Avatar Example:
Example of how Chat Bubble appears in the corner of the screen:
Make sure to Finish and Publish Changes so they go live on your website