
How is GST handled for international orders?

You have three choices for configuring GST in your shop, and your choice affects how international orders are processed. You can set your preferred option on the Shop Settings page in the Manage Shop area, under the Financial Details section.

Option 1
You are not GST registered.

If you are not GST registered then GST is not applicable to you. Prices will be displayed as entered and GST will not be displayed on invoices.

Option 2
All prices that are displayed include GST.

  1. The invoices we generate will display the GST portion if the order is being delivering to New Zealand.
  2. If an overseas customer buys then you will effectively make more money on that purchase, as the same price will be charged but it will all show as the product price instead of being split into product price and GST. 

e.g. A New Zealand customer pays $11.50 for an item, which on the invoice is shown as $10 for the item and $1.50 GST. If they are from overseas then their invoice will show the product price as $11.50 and no GST will be shown. 

Option 3
All prices exclude GST,

  1. All prices on the site will display ?+GST? next to them.
  2. We will automatically add GST on to any purchase where the goods are delivered to New Zealand.