
Facebook Messenger integration allows your customers to start a conversation with you directly from your Storbie website. By clicking on the Facebook Messenger icon in the bottom right of your site, a messenger chat box will open, allowing real-time communication with your customers. 

Tip: If you're keen to give this a go, ensure that you receive notifications when Facebook Messenger receives a message. 

To set up Facebook Messenger: 

  1. In the Manage area of your site, navigate to Apps

Screen Shot 2021-06-01 at 3.26.08 PM.png
2. Locate the Facebook Messenger box and click Install

messanger app.png
3. Enter your Facebook Page Id and click Install

install messenger.png
To find your Facebook Page Id, go to your shop's Facebook page and click on About. At the bottom of this page you will find your Page Id. Click here for Facebook's article on locating your Page Id.

4. Follow through Steps 1 and 2 of the wizard and select your desired and individual options.

5. At step 3, you will need to add your Storbie and custom domain names to the whitelist section

For the Facebook Messenger Domain Whitelisting.

Make sure you are on a Facebook business profile

a. Go to the Messenger Page (Inbox)

b. Click the Cog button in the top right

c. Then Click View all Settings


d. Click Chat Plugin

e. Click on Setup


f. Select Standard

g. Select the Language required

h. Add the domain names ( and

i. Complete the wizard. You don’t need to do anything with the code – just make sure you have added you Facebook profile ID to the Facebook app on the site:

  1. 6. Return to your Storbie site.

    7. Click Finish and you're good to go!

    Note: If there are regular time periods where you will be unable to respond to customer queries, you can configure Out of Office Hours on your Facebook. Please see this article for instructions on how to do so. 

    If you have any further questions about this, feel free to contact our support team here.